Monday, January 18, 2010

day 15

wow.. last day of posting on this here blog.

i wanted to share my experiments with typography so far....

i am trying to come up with different and interesting materials to make my statements out of. this was a friend's idea.. can you tell what it is?

day fifteen: celebration

Chocolate party for MLK day! Type created with the party refreshments for display. At first I thought someone had meant to spell MILK...because it would make sense to have milk with chocolate :)

DAY 15!!! : clean cars in Cedar?

We may not have a lot of variety when shopping for clothes in Cedar City but when it comes to cleaning cars there are endless possibilities. I counted seven different places. Its a wonder they can all stay in business. Each one has their unique style and font and is trying to beat the competition. Some of their signs make them look like the coolest place to go but on the inside they are all pretty much the same.

Walk of Fame!

I think Cedar City need stars!! Come on, a little glamor right?? I love the consistency in the stars in LA, and the clean, crisp design of the typeface on the stone. I also really like how permanent and solid the stars look..but they can install them within a matter of minutes. I think its an ironic mix of permanent and impermanent. I'd like to see the names Cedar would put down on the street, or who would pay to have an 'honorary star'. That's all I've got for today! Hooray for a final post!!

Mexican Anyone? (Day 15)

Important instructions!

day 15:

last day ! I found this building on a back road of Cedar. I find this sing to old and out dated it be form the color scheme or from the multiple fonts along the bottom of the sing. Although I do enjoy the scripted font of Antone's .The way its laid out and the over all design and the grungy look of the building do not make this sing look like the latest and greatest

In high school I had to read this book called 'Snow Falling on Cedars'. I hated it. So I used the words to create another image. More words more image? Better image, better grade? No idea.

good old grandees

I was thinking of my other favorite places in Cedar Today and I remembered Grandees. Even though it's out of business, seeing the sign brings back fond memories of going out for a double scoop after a hard day of classes even in the winter. Now I'll have to learn to love Maggie Moos, but it's not quite the same. They don't have the cool wall murals of giant ice cream, or the fun juke box, or the huge Zion ice cream challenge with its 42 scoops. Ahhh the memories.

derrick williams last post

well for the last blog i decided to go around the school and find some text but i think i already seen the university fonts and decided to take some night shots of the school....i really would like to use this image in the project and add some texts to it. the colors and lighting was great.

I'm done

This is my last post for this assignment, and I'm sure it's the same for everyone else. I used this photograph because even though this place is a perfect place to see the history of businesses in Cedar, it is still off limits to the general public. Most people will never get to experience this.

Last Post!!

Well thank God this is the last post. This statue is right behind the music building. I've walked by it many times but I never thought to read the story on it's base until today. It tells the story of a pioneer girl named Nellie. Both of her parents died on the way across the country to Utah. Then she had to have both of her feet removed with a saw and a butcher's knife because they were frozen. Later in life she married into a plural family and gave birth to six children.

Naturally, after reading this I thought, "Holy crap, she definitely earned that statue. Kudos to the pioneers."

This is Dan Gill, signing off.


There is a game called Geocaching or something like that. As I was working at the Shakespeare Festival I cam across two of them. In side them is a history of people that also played this game.

The type does its job, weathers down, and makes way for the new, thus the cycle of a growing town like cedar city...

Day 15: Jade Gelskey

Day 15: First off....thank goodness this is the last blog post. I am so ready for this part of the project to be over, done with and gone! :)

Today I picked Carls Jr. which is at the other end of town out at one of the truck stops. Pretty random place for a Carls Jr. but I just discovered the truck stops and fast food down there. So this sign is similar to the others (which I am liking because it proves my point about a specific way to advertise to people looking at fast food restaurants to eat at. There is a specific set of guidelines many of these follow that really work to get people to buy the products they are selling.

This sign has Carls Jr.'s logo in the top but its done in a different way. The way we think of the Carls Jr logo has be re appropriated to now have the sandwich they are selling. I think this is pretty unique because it really is selling their brand. We all know the Carls Jr. logo and this re appropriation works both to tell us its Carls Jr. and to re incorporate their well known type.

Again the price is pretty large in comparison and I think this again shows how important that is to people buying fast food. It must really make a difference for a lot of people on whether or not they want to pull in to the drive through.

All in all these blog posts haven't been to bad. I think I really have learned a lot about the advertisement style that I chose and I feel like I better understand the techniques being used on the public. Very interesting since so many fast food restaurants dot the landscape.