Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final Lumberjack Poster

Here's my final poster design and typeface, I'm really happy with how it turned out

Final Final Type Poster & Type Face

Jade Gelskey

Here is the final post for this blog. Since Jay asked for us to post it up one more time with the absolute final here is mine. Hope everyone has a good summer!

Totally Final Stuff

Ok here is the totally final stuff. I didn't change anything from last time, but Jay told everyone to post again and I am following his supreme orders.

This has been Dan Gill, signing off.

You stay classy, internet blog community.

Final type poster

Drum roll please....Here it is my final poster. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.

brooklyn round two

This is the final poster. Not a ton has changed, but the colors have been altered slightly and the most intricate lines were cleaned up here and there. Overall, I really like it. If you have comments or suggestions, I'd love to here them so I can play with it before next week.