Wednesday, January 13, 2010

day ten: different

This was a different find. I thought it was interesting because the original sign has no type on it, yet it displays a clear message. However, someone thought that they needed to leave their own mark/message to be viewed. Yet their message isn't so clear.

Night post!!!

Sooo funny story..... today I seem to have forgotten about my daily post obligations, due in part to my undying inability to write down a list of my responsibilities. So I remember I need a picture and rush out the door in search of historical type. An opportunity presents itself when I notice the Thunderbird statue in the Eccles Colosseum. I hop out of the car and begin to attempt to get a good night shot with my less-than-formidable camera. As I'm taking a few shots, a police officer pulls his car up and hops out to call me over. I then realize that I'm wearing all black and sneaking around campus in the wee hours of the night. No doubt I looked suspicious. The first thing I think is that getting arrested is a legit excuse for not turning in my homework. Anyway he calls me over and I cordially begin to explain the parameters of my type assignment. The look and his face changed, as he looked at me with a slight sense of enjoyment that implied, "I can't believe the only action around town is an incompetent art major skulking around campus in the fog." In conclusion, I hope this story is a compelling example of my undying devotion to the arts. Not many students have a run in with 5.0 to get their assignment completed.

I hope you enjoyed my tale,

Dan Gill

Day 10: Jade Gelskey

Day 10: So today its going to be a little different. For this sign it is not really advertising an item of food or some kind of great deal on a meal. This sign is advertising the hours that the business is open. I think it is pretty interesting how this sign goes along the same lines as the others but works in a different way. Also the sign next to it has the actual food item.

I cant say I think this is really a better way of advertising for your business. Maybe if the sign on the left were a little larger and could compete with the breakfast one this whole thing might be more successful. I think that it is one important thing in business that you have to look at. What are you trying to sell exactly? If you want to try and get people to come to your restaurant why not advertise breakfast food since that is what people want. I suppose this post is me straying a little bit away from my point about unhealthy cuisine but I think its an important topic to look at and figure one blog post that talks about this is alright.

Type and Architecture

So I think that I have finally come to a conclusion on what I am want time to do for the final part of this project. I am pretty sure that I still want to try and make a cool possible kinetic type piece like before but instead of it being like the geometric graffiti I really like I think that I am going to do it more focused on the type and the architecture found in Cedar City.

OK now I know that we don't really have a super diverse design in architecture but there really are some nice and interesting old buildings here. This happens to be one the Leavitt Group Building, aka The Old Hospital. Anyway I am going to try try to adapt the next few post into some art which is what I am going to focus on. Thanks all!


There's a notebook that has sat on my desk at work for at 8 least months and throughout it's life there is has been used by countless people. Messages, notes, reminders, dreams and signatures are among it's tattered pages. The handwriting fascinated me as I skimmed through it. Then it became clear how amazing our individual penning is. It's as unique as a fingerprint and truly says something about our character. I am contemplating using a handwritten font on one of my boards.

Mexican Anyone? (Day 10)

Old going out of business sale sign. I thought that this was a pretty cool find.

derrick williams (day 10)

hahaha i went to rent some videos and guess what i had seen........the hollywood video sign was just huge and well thoughtful and it fit what we were doing so i took a snap. i really wanted to take a picture of it when it was night because the game crazy sign looked really cool when i took it after i got my movies.

Day 10: Anyone still play arcades?

Doesnt paying money to play an old school arcade game while you wait for you food sound enticing? Hmmm... I dont think I have seen people actually play the arcade games at restaurants in a long time. Technology has advanced way beyond that and I think arcade games are becoming a thing of the past. We can play games at home, bring them with you in handheld form, and even on our cell phones. You dont have to pay everytime you play a game. But I bet there were times when kids would see this sign in a window and beg mom and dad to go eat there. I have to admit the letters are very interesting to look at. They seem a little saggy and the "E" makes me laugh. It has a lot of character.

day 10

I found these two signs for sodas on another corner of the same old gas station I saw yesterday. I thought it was a little strange to find them on the side of a gas station and not a grocery store. I like seeing these old signs for products that we still use today. These signs are so small compared to the advertising today that features much bigger billboards. These signs are sort of a look back at the way Pepsi used to advertise and how similar the Pepsi typeface is to the Dr. Pepper sign. They both use a script lettering with the fancy underling to emphasize the name of their soda. Like yesterday we see the use of complementary colors- orange and blue and red and green.


The good old cadillac signature typeface cadillac. They have used the same type face with little alteration to them. The font used is called scriptorama tradeshow. the font came around in the 1920's also and was used with the first cadiallac that were massed produced. GMC build a shop here in cedar and it is one of the three auto retailers here in cedar. Which is why i decided to use this picture for this project and it also goes along with the theme.

Old and new typography (or symbols)

How many of you know where this type is found? Probably quite a few. I think it's a unique reminder about other cultures and other forms of language that existed long ago. Do you ever wonder what future anthropologists would say of Cedar City Utah if they found remnants of our civilization hundreds of years from now? What's really important about our society when it comes down to it? What are we doing to make meaningful contributions as designers?

variety in text

i think that this was a good use of 2 different font type. The one used on Rons is called Magneto Bold and the one used for sporting goods is called commerce fat. but the good thing is that they came out around the 1950's so the reason that is why it looks good and not out of place.

1920's font

So moving on from the 1850's i have been finding font from the 1920's like for example the Golds Gym font is called arquitectura. I came around in the 1920's. The font normally used is called wide latin so this was kind of a big change for them. The probably thought cedar wasnt worth it so they stuck some random font for there sign.

Newest Text to Cedar

The new "Fresh Market" sign just got done, It's going to be different not seeing Albertsons anymore.

day 10

my christmas present from my mother was several books on hand-lettering. not only are they interesting to me from a typographic and design basis, they are family heirlooms. her side of the family has a history of working in advertising design.

this is not about cedar city specifically, but this is the type of work i have been looking at recently and i thought i would share some of what inspires me and informs my work. it is things like this that lead me to think about ancestry, place, belonging, heritage, culture, society, art, aura, etc etc.

i am still reading essays about aura, context, environment, all that good stuff. i will share my notes and thoughts when i come to any sort of conclusions.


I just found this to be ironic. It seems to be a perfect collectable for a pack rat. My parents defiantly need this.

day 10

This picture is actually from Uptown Minneapolis outside a surf shop on Lake Street. I really like how the shop uses their building as an opportunity to express/advertise themselves in a less conventional way. I think Cedar City could use some stylized walls or advertisements or things of this nature. I would like to have this style for one of my panels maybe. I like how the colors of the wall correspond with the sky on a sunny day, and everything is very vibrant. I know this is more of a handmade typeface, but I think that is why it fits so seamlessly with the imagery on the wall. Until you take a second look at the wall, you would assume its just another artist's urban 'post'. This isn't in Cedar City, so I'm not sure if that strays from the assignment, but its research none the less. Theeee Enddddd.

A Kid From Cedar City : VI

Exit 59 was put up my Jr. year of high school. All the skaters where pretty stoked about it and thought that it was the coolest thing that had happen in Cedar. We use to skate that park for hours on end. Now and days the skate park is run over by bikers and is a little rundown by all the cracks in the ramps. Sometimes there are posers that sit in front of the park that do photo shoots for ads for SUU. Once and awhile I go back to the skate park but it is not the same as it was back in high school.