Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jade Gelskey: Project 3- Poster Design

Jade Gelskey
Poster Design: Based on Seb Lester

I submitted two designs because I really like both and cant decide which I like better. :) I guess the differences are not that big so if you have a thought on which you like better let me know.

As far as the type that I submitted, my sketched ones are definitely more rough then the vectorized ones. When I scanned them and vectorized them I really cleaned up and standardized a lot of them so that's where much of the differences come in.

Ok here is my typeface and my poster. Well, here you go.

Final Casanova

Here is my final poster and layout of the full alphabet. I think I'm going to turn this into a series of posters.

Bohemian Font

Dan Gill Final Poster

Well everyone here's my final poster and type designs. I don't have too much to say about my own work so leave me some comments and let me know what you think.

-Dan G.

Here is the typeface for "gypsy" as you can see it has been manipulated to reflect the designers style in the poster. This is one of those faces that you could work on forever but i decided to stop and this is what came out. Ugh.

This is my final poster in the style of my graphic artist Rodrigo Francisco. He creates typefaces and then makes them more into a piece of art. I have tried to emulate his style of manipulating his type to connect together and also making it look a little more 3 dimension. I based it off of my type and changed it to show his aesthetic. I wanted to connect it to the concept of "gypsy" by having a word that could be synonymous with one. I chose the work "baubles" which mean a decorative object or keepsake that is ultimately worthless. I thought it was fitting.