Sunday, January 17, 2010

day 14:

I thought it would be fun to drive around Cedar with my dad who doesn't really know much about design and see what kind of typefaces he liked. Of all the pictures we took that day, he really likes the fresh apples sign that is in this picture. He could not really tell me why he liked this one the best. He did say that it was easy to read even though it was dirty and small. As we were looking at signs around town he said that he mostly liked the sign that had script fonts.
This sign is direct with the contrast of red ans white. I am not particularly a fan of the fresh apples sign. I think it is kind lopsided and not well put together. I thought it would be interesting to compare the perspectives on the same sign of someone who had not taken any classes in design and one who has.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this photo. For some reason the apple sign, the bike, and the little girl makes this photo uber cool. Plus it looks like the girl is picking her nose. ha ha ha.
