Tuesday, January 5, 2010


On my way into town, past the graffiti sign in my previous post, that many here seemed to like... I pass the above sign seen in my rear view mirror. In type 1, at UVU... we learned 32 type sins, and incorrect punctuation was one of them.

Maybe the sign is right, TLC home center has a park that possesses some super model's... But last time I checked, inanimate objects can't posses something... Maybe someone with the last name Park, has some model's to show.... I don't think so! I have a problem with this sign also.

With all these problems with type, I think my project should be using everything that's wrong with type, but make it work.... Like pulling off Papyrus with a drop shadow. Or horizontally stacking Comic Sans. I will run that one by Jay and see what he thinks.


1 comment:

  1. That is one trippy photo. Here is the funny thing, if you didn't point out the punctuation mistake, I wouldn't ever known. Nice job.
