Monday, January 4, 2010

Typography's Worst Enemy

It's funny how one thought can lead to another. I was convinced today that we really are affected by the world and culture we live in. When Jay first mentioned Cedar City was the jumping off point a chain of reactions went off in my head. Here's the trail that led to the resulting sketch:

a.) Cedar City has lots of businesses catered to the cattlemen.

b.) Those businesses use slab serif/egyptian type fonts for their signs.

c.) I saw a pawn shop by my place of work that uses that (Cedar has a few pawn shops--something we don't have in northern California).

d.) Driving home from work I noticed that there are huge trees on my street, also something I'm not accustom to seeing.

e.) Finally the idea came to me---Trees could really ruin your business if they dead center in front of your sign. Who is going to see that you're there? If typography is how we communicate visually, the tree has successfully defeated its purpose.

I bet I can find one or two business in town that are suffering from that. It IS Cedar, after all.


  1. This could be interesting... how one manmade system of beautification and civilization can overtake the more conventional systems within that society, even our efforts of communication. Lets see what happens with this one.

  2. Nice idea... I could totally see this playing out more!

  3. I hope the trees will win. GO TREES!
