Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hand-drawn typeface: Southern Belle
And here's my poster. What do you think?


  1. hmmm. i like where you are taking this but i am not sure the flourishes are reading like you are intending. i would be curious to see you try pushing it so all the letters are glowing.. so they are darker towards the middle and lighter on all edges. make the transition really smooth and subtle, not a lot of variation between gradients but barely there.

    also for the background.. what if you used something a little more flowery and lacy like you were originally planning on for the texture of the letters? the wallpaper pattern right now seems more victorian to me..

    i hope this helps! i am sure you have spent tons of time on this and i am glad to see it is going well :) i think you are close.. just some fine-tuning! let me know if you want to talk about it more.

  2. First of all looks like it is coming along and I like where you are going with the overall aesthetic.

    I agree that there could be more of a subtle transition on the letterforms and the glowing parts. Some of the transitions are pretty sharp.

    As far as the background goes I think that it would help if it was not so prominent. Try moving it back a bit.

    I really like your typeface and think that you are really headed in the right direction.
